
Practice of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Depth Psychology – Systemic - Trauma – Body- Cognitive - Forensic

In my practice human relationship is essential to encounter difficult life situations, including diseases. The mutual caring with suffering can trigger self-healing-powers, help to understand and solve problems, as well as to experience personal growth, rediscovering and developing greater meaning in life.

As a practitioner in medical-psychotherapy,  depth-psychology and psychiatry, I carefully accompany the patient in this holistic process, leading to a responsible realignement into life, in a mindful relationship with soul, body, other humans and other living beings.

For my colleagues and employees with their versatile training, many years of experience, and other language skills, the above values and holistic development of the human being are in the foreground as well.

We welcome you!

Sessions can be conducted in German, English and French.

Next Events


Further lectures and seminars are in planning.

Date and location will be announced here.